Final fantasy xiv character creation voices male roegadyn
Final fantasy xiv character creation voices male roegadyn

Gilgamesh, ever the intrepid interdimensional traveler, managed to stumble his way into Eorzea from the void and immediately set about finding new and powerful weapons to obtain. Walking Spoiler: Since it's a detective mystery, his or rather, their true identity and everything related to it is a huge one.Every single costume they wore was a double-layered disguise. In fact, even when he's openly gloating outside of costume, it still isn't him, the midlander male that you're lead to believe was the thief was just a disguise they never actually took off. It seems to be a specially modified version of the glamor crystals that players use to alter gear appearance.

final fantasy xiv character creation voices male roegadyn

In fact, in inclusion to near flawless facial imitation, he possesses the ability to change his body size and shape flawlessly.

  • Master of Disguise: The Thief of Many Faces isn't just a fancy title.
  • In reality the sympathy wasn't reciprocated, the sisters wanted everyone in Ul'dah to be zombified or killed, and didn't care for their social status. His only targets were nobility, who thanks to the stirring rebellion are already unpopular, this combined with charming Lovable Rogue antics and theatrics made him a folk hero to the smallfolk to the point where the coliseum tournament was even more busy than normal because of the all the peasants showing up to watch him steal the reward.
  • Just Like Robin Hood: Winds up garnering this reputation.
  • This plan even took precedence over their own lives, which they felt were worthless. They swore to themselves that they would not only reveal the truth of the war of the sands to the world, but completely destroy Ul'dah with the same tool they used to destroy Sil'dih zombie powder.
  • Freudian Excuse: They're the last surviving members of the pure Sil'dihn bloodline, and grew up in poverty being raised on stories that their ancestors were horrible black mages and monstrous alchemists who deserved to be wiped out, when in reality it was the other way around.
  • Death Dealer: His Calling Card is thrown off-screen and usually into some poor sod's head.
  • Calling Card: A black and red card with a stylized "A" written on it, with the details of his next heist written on the back.
  • Berserk Button: Cecy blows her cover as Nashu by ranting at Hildibrand when he implies that she has wrinkles.
  • Though she was willing to zombify both of you, when she's truly thwarted she chooses to slump to the ground and accept punishment after he confesses his feelings instead of killing herself or continue her plans.
  • Becoming the Mask: Ellie wound up legitimately befriending the Warrior of Light and falling in love with Briardien.
  • final fantasy xiv character creation voices male roegadyn

    Badass Finger Snap: A few of the Thief's tricks are trigged with a finger snap.His real face is that of a dark-skinned midlander hyur wearing the rogue's gear set. The main villain of the Hildibrand story, the Phantom Thief is a brilliant master of disguise who loves to play around as he secures his quarry.

    Final fantasy xiv character creation voices male roegadyn